
Enhance Your Retirement with Annuities for Extra Coverage and Longevity Risk

In addition to social security, an annuity will pay out steady cash flow during retirement.

An annuity is a  financial investment that guarentees steady cash payouts at retirement. Along with the additional cash flow, annuities can eliminate the additional concern of outliving your income.  Because an annuity is not easily liquidated, it is usually not appropriate for the younger investor. More often, along with life insurance and your retirement savings and programs, the annuity is built by a lump sum investment or gradual payments once financial liquidity is achieved.

Annuity programs can cover a defined period of time, payout as long as the investment owner lives, or continue as long as there is a surviving spouse. Payout amounts can be consistent and regular payments of the same amount or vary according to the success of the investments in the annuity fund.  Madison Insurance Group can help you decide if an annuity program is an appropriate addition to your retirement planning.